Tips on Choosing the Right Boudoir Photographer


It’s probably not everyday that you are looking to have your pictures taken by a complete stranger while wearing lingerie. Holy nerves, right? I understand and good news, it’s completely normal so you’re not the only one who feels this way. You’re already nervous about those photos looking good and add to that the rollercoaster of emotion. Oh, I know exactly what that’s like. The key is to hire a boudoir photographer that is experienced and is going to make you feel totally comfortable from the start. In addition to the boudoir shoot, it’s important to understand how your images will be handled afterwards for the highest regard of security of your private photos.

Here are 6 important points to consider when choosing your perfect boudoir photographer:

1. Do they make you feel comfortable?

Due to the nature of boudoir photography, you’ll be dressing in intimate clothing typically lingerie so comfortability is key. It’s important to know what to expect and that you’re going to have a fantastic experience. This is something you’ll discover during the pre-session consultation which typically happens over the phone or video chat. If they have a private group on Facebook, join that! It’s a great way to get to know your photographer’s style, mission & philosophy.

Here’s a link to my Private (Ladies Only) Facebook Group.

2. Do you love their work?

This one goes without saying but make sure you love their style. Check out their website, social media, blog, Facebook Group (if they have one). Make sure they photograph all body types. Do their clients look relaxed, natural, sexy? Do you like their editing style? These are all important factors in making this big decision.

3. What’s their pricing?

This is something you definitely don’t want to price shop for. Cheaper does not mean better. Most importantly, when you’re taking your clothes off in front of someone you don’t know, and putting yourself in a vulnerable position, is CHEAP really a word that you want to use to describe the experience? Have a look at what’s included. Does the session fee include professional hair & makeup styling? Is retouching included? This session is something that will last the rest of your life.

4. Do they specialize in Boudoir Photography?

You may be thinking “what’s the difference if they specialize in boudoir or not, isn’t photography all the same?” Not quite. Let’s say you were experiencing knee problems. Your primary physician can diagnose you and try to remedy the problem or he could refer you to a knee specialist who specializes in the knee. Boudoir photography works the same way. A newborn or wedding photographer would of course understand how lighting works but to offer quality posing, facial and body coaching is something only a boudoir photographer can nail without question.

5. Do they provide retouched images?

Ask about their post-processing techniques. It’s important that you find a photographer who is experienced in professional retouching techniques that include Lightroom & Photoshop. Like all things in life, a little goes a long way so I like to refer to it as creative editing ensuring clients look “real” in their photos. Do they look over-edited where you’re unable to see their skin texture? These are all good things to ask and look for in their work.

6. Do they have a privacy policy?

Does the photographer require you to sign a model release? Or do they allow you to keep your images private? What steps will they take to protect your images? At Boudoir XOXO, after you see your images for the first time at your reveal and ordering appointment, you will be provided a model release form. This model release form gives you options to keep your images 100% private, show the anonymous photographs (that don’t show your face), or you can opt to allow us to share your images to help empower other women to experience boudoir photography. We respect every client’s decision regardless of what they choose.

I hope you found this list of Choosing the Right Boudoir Photographer to be helpful! My biggest dream is for EVERY woman to have an experience that leaves them feeling beautiful and empowered and choosing the right photographer for you is the first start! 

If you find that we sound like your perfect match, contact us to schedule a free pre-session consultation over the phone to go over all of the details of the experience we offer.

-Cindy xoxo

Owner and Lead Photographer at Cindy Mari Boudoir


How To Find Confidence to Book A Boudoir Session


6 Questions To Ask a Boudoir Photographer Before Booking